It's that time already for Seriously Thursday?! with from Mrs to Mama.
Seriously…this must be the year of concerts and show for me. I’ve gone to Chelsea Handler, Rihanna, Britney/Nicki and now I just got tickets for Carrie Underwood who is one of my top three favorite artists (along with Rihanna and Pink). She’s coming Labor Day weekend and this will be my third time seeing her. The only bad thing is that she’s playing at Mystic Lake Casino…well I guess that’s not so bad since gambling is pretty high on my list of fun things to do.
Seriously…I think we are about to have baby fishies floating around in our tank. One of our African Cichlids has not been eating (although it seems perfectly healthy) and it’s under jaw has become quite large in comparison to our other fish. I’ve read that some Cichlids are mouth brooders which means they keep the fish/eggs in their mouth until they are strong enough to survive on their own. I don’t know though, we’ll see. Cichlids are quite aggressive, so I’m sure if it is babies, they won’t last long in the tank.
Seriously…do not go camping without an air conditioner when the temps are 100+ with the heat index near or at 110. Awful, miserable, and wet…everything wet! Thankfully our friends had a speed boat that we enjoyed on Saturday so we could enjoy a nice breeze on the water.
Seriously…you need to check out www. if you haven’t already. Everyday this writer has something hilarious to write about. Very talented!
Seriously…one of our cats has decided that it’s no longer appropriate to shit in the litter box. We’ve had River for over five years and Percy for nine months. What the heck could have changed? Thankfully it’s only in our unfinished basement, but still terribly annoying…AND we have no idea how to correct the problem.
Seriously…can’t believe it’s Thursday already, but seriously excited for the weekend to be here.
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